أرشيف التصنيف: Funny

The da Vinci Yawn

the davinci yawn

I bought The da Vinci Code (the book) last June, so I had it for about a year now. At first I thought I will start reading it on the airplane which was supposed to take us to our vacation (which didn’t happen). So I delayed reading the book until my next flight, which was the flight that took me to my current home last September.

First of all, I don’t know about you but reading in an airplane never worked for me, I don’t know why. After arriving and settling down I tried my best to finish the book before the film is released. The book was my companion on the long train journeys for exmaple, but most of the times I read it while I was doing the laundry in the laundry place (you know, the place where you use coins for the large washing and drying machines) so there is always a connection in my mind between the book and doing the laundry. So washing machines reminds with the book, and the book remind me with washing machines some how.

After about 8 months of reading I realized that I’m still in chapter 21 or something like that (out of 105 chapters)! I am not much of a novel reader, but 112 pages and Langdon and Sophie still haven’t left the Louvre!! That was too much garga for me!

I almost gave up, but when I finished my course and my essays I decided to give it another try, specially now that the film is released. I am still reading while doing the laundry, but now I also read a chapter or two every night in bed before sleeping.
Last night I reached chapter 60, and things are just starting to get more interesting :). I can’t say that I’m impressed with what I read so far, but I can’t give my artistic and art historical opinion untill I finish, so wait for the full review en shaa Allah.

From now on I will start my own da Vinci counter. At the end of each post I will write down just how far I am :).

The da Vinci counter: (60/105)