Waterfront Walk from Moayad Hassan.
A walk along Waterfront Walk in Birmingham, two walks to be exact. The first one at night with the Canon 5D MKII and Canon 85mm f/1.2, the second early in the morning with the Canon HV20 with Letus35 Mini and Canon 24-105mm f/4. Edited with FCP 6 with a hint of Magic Bullet Looks and a lot of Lock&Load for the first part since it was shot handheld.

تصوير فيديو على ضفاف القناة المائية في قلب مدينة بيرمينجهام.
Camden from Moayad Hassan on Vimeo.
I was scanning through some old tapes and found thses shots which were taken in Camden, London last summer (2010). I found them quite interesting and put them together in this quick edit.
Shot with Canon HV20, edited in Final Cut Pro and graded with Magic Bullet Looks.
مجموعة من اللقطات التي وجدتها في أحد أشرطتي القديمة قمت بتجميعها بشكل سريع في هذا الفيديو البسيط ، المشاهد تم تصويرها في منطقة كامدن في مدينة لندن.

Culture, Art and Visual Communication