Like every blog in the wold.. this is an entry dedicated to saying “Hi.. and Welcome to my blog”.
Actually moayad.com is more than just a blog, it’s a complete personal website. So make sure to checkout and enjoy the other sections of the site.
I will be posting my thoughts, plans and news in these pages. And together we will see some very interesting developments Enshaa Allah.
Wish me luck and Allah’s support.. and be sure that I wish you the same..
Moayad Hassan
Heyaaaaaaa……. go my husband go 😛 I’m so glad to post in your blog.
Congrattttttttz from za bottom of my Heart 😉
Good Luck ! and All the Best 😀
بالبركه اخوي مؤيد…بالتوفيق
My brother Moayad
congratulation.. the web site mashaAllah is sooo nice..
God bless you 🙂
I was going to suggest that you open a blog in your site and,surprisely, you made it!
do you have a mind reader machine?
waiting for apple and design software news, but hopefully in arabic 🙂
wish you the best of luck in everything
Athoob, Rashed, Aisha, Bin Ali..
Thank you all sooo much.
Your words means alot to me 🙂
عسى الله يحفظك ويوفقك يارب دووووم …مبارك عليك الموقع الروعة 😉
اخوك .. عبدالله الماجد Cool 😉
Thank you okhoy Abdullah 🙂
أجمعين إن شاء الله
السلام عليكم
وايد حلوه الرسمة الي تلمس فيها السما بايدك فكرتها عجيبة 🙂
حياك الله يا اخوي عبدالله 🙂
هذي صورة دندوة و هي بالقليلبة 😀