The Royal Wedding Day (photo project)

Click Here to see the full set of the photographs

The 29th of April 2011 was a very special day in the UK, it of course was the day of the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. London was the place to be on that day. We decided at the last minute to go to London to witness the event, and at the same time to celebrate my youngest daughter Aya’s 5th birthday which was on the same day 🙂



There are two things I noticed about London on that day. First, obviously, everybody was there, and I mean EVERYBODY! It was impossible to go anywhere near the path the wedding carriage was suppose to run through, unless you’ve taken your place at least since the night before. There were so many people there the rest of London was empty; Leicester Square, Oxford and Regent Streets, Covent Garden were all frighteningly deserted. It was really an odd experience to walk the streets of Central London in midday almost alone! We went to have frozen yogurt at Snog and we actually were the only ones in the shop… in a Friday afternoon! In this place you usually can hardly find a place to stand, we occupied two tables… and at the end the kids turned the middle bench into a catwalk… that’s how empty it were in there!



The second thing worth mentioning is that during the five and a half years I spent in the UK this is the first time I see so many Union Jacks up in the streets. In Kuwait (and many other nations) we are used to seeing our national flag all over the place, especially when there is a national occasion like the National Day, but in the UK you almost never see that sight. Sure you see the English flag more often during the World Cup, but that’s about it. This occasion on the other hand made British people proud of their country and their system again, and that’s always a good thing. People of all nationalities, races, backgrounds were happy and smiling, and so were us.



مجموعة من الصور تم التقاطها يوم الزواج الملكي الذي جمع الأمير ويليام مع كاثرين ميديلتون يوم ٢٩ / ٤ / ٢٠١١ من مدينة لندن: 

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تعليق واحد على “The Royal Wedding Day (photo project)”

  1. This was exceptionally amazing day. I had to clear that the cake was organic healthy carrot cake. Shasawee I’m the mother hehe :mrgreen:
    The Snog Frozen yogurt is our new fun treat. It’s fat free with agave syrup. It doesn’t taste sweet .. it’s more sour and yogurty than sweet. I’m so happy that it’s going to open in Kuwait 😉

    I wish we took more photos though. What we saw was big! 😀

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